This is very important! You should seriously ask around for recommendations from your friends and colleagues. Get a 2nd opinion and go to someone reputable and reliable. In the long run, quality of your product and uniqueness of the designs is what you are really paying for. Also – be cautious! Some supplier will surprise you after the order is submitted with large art charges and shipping fees? Ocean Awards will not do so.It has come to our attention that many awards companies hire a third party to do the designs – not done In-House, as we do here at Ocean Awards. The result is that it takes longer to get small edits completed. The process is complicated by the need to these changes with external companies. In addition, this extra step must be accounted for in our competitors’ profit margin; an increase passed along to you. Each edit occurrence can incur incremental costs to your project. This will not happen with your Ocean Awards design project. Also, you should be cautious with respect to shipping markups. Some competitors see shipping costs as a profit center. We recommend requiring your supplier use your company’s courier account if possible to ensure the charges are accurate. Always get a quote up front! Quality! Don’t just go with the least expensive option. Like the old saying goes…. “You get what you pay for” – this is true. Not all manufacturers have the same quality goals or controls as those implemented by Ocean Awards. Watch for different, less expensive material being utilized, printing that does not stand the test of time, etching that is not deep enough to hold paint, and 2nd quality materials. Be sure you trust your supplier! Remember – your dealtoy is a reflection of your own quality. It is what you choose to give to your client; how they will remember you and the transaction you worked on together. You also need to impress your senior management with your ability to get the best quality at the best price. This is your task. A less that impressive dealtoy gift will reflect on you as well. Ocean Awards’ Design Team is In House. Therefore, our clients have direct access to our designers which results in quicker edits and no additional fees. No charge for designs. Our team will ensure that the design will fully meet your expectations prior to entering the manufacturing process. This is critically important since changes beyond this point require programming modifications which carry
additional and considerable costs. Ocean Awards has done tests and trials with dozens of manufacturers to ensure the quality of the product is one that we would be proud to present ourselves. Not all companies offering the same product line offer the same consistent workmanship. So wisely choosing a reliable supplier, with a responsive in-house design team with an impeccable reputation is very important. Ocean Awards will provide you with all of these attributes including awards design at no charge. Contact us and find out more about what makes Ocean Awards your smart choice. We have built our company on strong recommendations by our clients and repeat customers. We back everything we do 100%!! CONTACT US now!
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