It is important to recognize employees for their contribution. It is a good idea to do this regularly. It is a low cost way of raising morale and encouraging higher levels of performance. Employees want to know you appreciate there hard work. It is easy for an employer to do this and it does not have to break the bank.
Here are three quick suggestions to recognize Employees without cost:
1. A simple note on their desk or door to recognize an initiative from a senior manager: “Great Work” or “Nice Job”
- make this a part of your monthly objectives for managers to recognize their staff.
Employee recognition memo
2. Reward Employees who show extra efforts with special projects. This shows your trust and belief in their work. Employees will feel they are really contributing to the business.
3. Impromptu meeting in the office to recognize 5 individuals that have made important efforts for the business that month. Being recognized in front of peers is a huge boos for the ego.
Employee of the month award
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