
Wondering how to get started creating your custom deal toy?

First you need to determine how many you will need and get a budget per unit that you can spend.

Then you will need to compose what you would like to see as the deal layout. Do you want to include logos? You will need to source those files for the artist to use for your design.

You will also be asked if you have any initial ideas about the type of look you would like to achieve. Do you see anything on our website that you like specifically. Please look at materials and shapes. For example: Do
you like granite or acrylic? Do you want to include a map of the client's assets? A product that you would like to feature? All of this information will help guide the artist to create a truly custom award for you that
fits your budget.

Then send this information into our designers and they will get started crafting custom awards for you to consider.

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